Health: 5 Tips For A Spring In Full Swing

At the end of winter, our bodies are weakened after several months of fighting against various viruses and bacteria. Following the harshness of winter, it's no surprise that the rebirth of nature comes with considerable fatigue. Fortunately, sometimes a few simple actions are all it takes to regain energy. Here are 5 tips to try for a vibrant spring.

Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables have the advantage of being rich in vitamins and antioxidants. The first of the 5 tips for a vibrant spring simply involves incorporating fresh products available at the market during this season into your menus.

Among the seasonal produce, we can notably mention:
- asparagus;
- radishes;
- artichokes;
- fresh spinach;
- apples;
- the first strawberries from France, preferably.

To prepare your skin for the sun, also consider favoring orange-colored fruits and vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, or apricots. The beta-carotene contained in these foods helps protect the skin from the sun's UV rays and naturally enhances your complexion.

If you've gained a few pounds over the winter due to end-of-year festivities or cheesy tartiflette evenings in the mountains, take advantage of spring to rebalance your diet. Eating a balanced diet is the best detox you can do. Combine raw or cooked vegetables with starches (preferably whole or semi-whole grains), legumes (such as lentils and chickpeas), fish and seafood, as well as lean meats like chicken or turkey.

2- Get some fresh air

In the pleasant season, the days become longer and the weather more clement and brighter. Take advantage of these changes to get out of your house and get some fresh air whenever you have the chance!

For a spring in full swing, consider stepping out of your office during your lunch break and having your meal in the sun. If you have enough time, also take the opportunity for a post-meal walk.

Since the spring weather is more accommodating, leave your car in the garage and make all your short daily trips on foot or by bike. Bike commuting is a very efficient way to exercise every day without too much hassle. Remember that physical activity, even moderate, is even more beneficial when practiced outdoors.

Expose yourself to natural light.

Another of the 5 tips for a vibrant spring involves getting some sun exposure (and don't forget to apply sunscreen, of course!).

With the change of seasons, our bodies need to adjust to the longer days by decreasing melatonin production and increasing serotonin levels. To assist in this transition period, simply expose yourself to natural light during the day.

Instead of investing in a special lamp or a dawn simulator (both quite expensive), practice natural light therapy by cycling to work, having lunch in a park, and organizing outdoor outings on weekends. Walks in the forest or by the sea are particularly beneficial for relieving stress and re-energizing because these places are full of negative ions.

Nature, so beautiful in spring, is unmatched in boosting our energy as it provides us with light, greenery, and fresh air, which we may have missed during the winter.


Have you stopped engaging in sports, running, or swimming during the winter? Take advantage of the good weather to get back into it without delay! It's naturally easier to engage in physical activity when the weather improves.

Even if you're not an athlete, at least do some gardening, walking, or cycling. Physical activity is an essential component for a healthy spring. So put on your sneakers or gardening boots and resume your favorite activities!

In this season, any opportunity is a good one for a walk. Even in the city, parks and gardens are blooming again and it's a great excuse to get moving and get some fresh air. Take advantage of these outdoor outings to breathe deeply by extending the length of the exhalation. Try to empty your lungs as much as possible by pulling in your navel and counting to 6 before inhaling again.

Avoid excesses.

Finally, the last of the 5 tips for a springtime full of vigor is to avoid overindulgence.

During this season, it's tempting to catch up with friends on café terraces and organize the first barbecues... However, be careful not to drink too much alcohol and not to go to bed too late! You would undo all your other efforts to regain your energy! With the change of season, it generally takes your body about 3 weeks to adapt.

To smoothly transition through this period, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Once the Easter holidays are over, be sensible in your consumption of sugars and fats. Chocolate isn't bad for your health, provided that you eat it in moderation...