Difficult Holiday Mornings: What Solutions?

The day after a party, our body sometimes makes us pay for the excesses of the day before. A pasty mouth, dehydration, nausea and migraines are all symptoms of a hangover and the infamous liver attack. Beyond home recipes and grandma's remedies, what are the most effective solutions to cure the difficult aftermath?

What causes a hangover?

The Headache and Belly that can assail you in the aftermath of a drunken party are caused by acetaldehyde, a toxic substance produced in the body by the metabolism of alcohol.

There's no need to lie to yourself, the cause of your symptoms on difficult party nights is simply the previous night's excess alcohol!

To avoid a 'hangover', the only solution is to moderate your consumption of alcoholic beverages.

To facilitate the elimination of alcohol, also remember not to drink too fast and drink water, preferably alkaline (Badoit, Vichy or Perrier), during and after the meal.

These waters, which have the property of neutralizing the acidity of alcohol, can spare you some of the inconveniences of the aftermath of a party (acidity and heartburn).

How to prevent liver attack?

Even if you didn't overindulge in alcohol, you may feel bad because of too much food, especially sugar and/or fat. Some tough aftermaths are due to the infamous liver attack!

This ailment, which manifests as bloating, nausea or a heavy feeling in the stomach is actually indigestion.

To prevent this problem, the best solution is again moderation. The richer your holiday menus are, the more you need to limit the quantities. Take time to enjoy the food, chew and eat slowly and avoid refilling.

How can these symptoms be relieved?

When the damage is done, you can improve the difficult aftermath by treating individual symptoms on a case-by-case basis.

To relieve headaches, it is recommended to take paracetamol and not aspirin, which aggravates gastritis.

You can combine it with Vitamin c which will help you fight fatigue.

To purge the body of the excesses of the previous day, there is nothing like a small Detox diet consisting of dieting and drinking plenty (vegetable broth, water, lemon juice and herbal teas).

In particular, you can take inspiration from our recipe for homemade detox tea or make infusions of digestive herbs like rosemary or fennel seeds. This liquid diet has the effect of favoring the elimination of accumulated toxins.

In any case, beware of miracle hangover remedies! They are usually ineffective and could make the situation worse.