The Pumpkin Spice Latte: A Comforting Pumpkin-flavored Drink.

In a famous chain of coffee shops, the Pumpkin Spice Latte is an autumn specialty made with coffee, milk, pumpkin syrup, and spices. If you want to prepare a homemade and healthier version of this famous hot beverage, here's an easy recipe for a pumpkin spice latte made with tea and almond milk.


Here are the necessary ingredients to prepare pumpkin spice latte for 2 people:

2 bags of Pumpkin Chai tea from the Yogi Tea brand.
2 teaspoons of black tea.
30 cl of water.
20 cl of unsweetened almond milk.
1 tablespoon of maple syrup.

Note: as its name suggests, pumpkin chai tea contains both dried pumpkin and a typical blend of spices from Indian masala chai.

If you can't find this tea or its equivalent in stores, you can replace it with plain pumpkin puree (unsalted) and masala chai tea (black tea with spices).

Preparation of spiced tea

1- In a saucepan, mix the water with black tea and pumpkin chai herbal tea.
2- Bring this mixture to a boil over medium heat.
3- As soon as the water starts boiling, turn off the heat.
4- Cover the saucepan and let it steep for 7 minutes.

Note: You can even extend the steeping time up to 10 minutes so that the tea used as the base for the pumpkin spice latte is strong.

Preparation of the latte

For autumn, I recommend preparing this hot pumpkin spice latte. In American coffee shops, this famous pumpkin latte also exists in a chilled version, with ice cubes.

But I find that a hot drink is much more comforting to combat the grayness of autumn in hygge mode or to prepare a pumpkin drink on Halloween night...

1- When your black tea is well infused, directly add almond milk and maple syrup to the saucepan.

2- Place the saucepan back on low heat and simmer the mixture for 3 minutes so that your pumpkin spice latte is nice and hot.

3- All that's left is to filter your hot drink into two cups, as shown in the photo below.

Set design

In order to make the pumpkin spice latte even more delicious and closer to the hot drink served at Starbucks, don't forget the final touch!

1- Crown each cup with a layer of whipped cream or milk foam.

2- Sprinkle with a pinch of powdered cinnamon and it's ready!


After trying the basic recipe above, you can adapt this pumpkin spice latte to your taste.

To enhance the pumpkin flavor, add one tablespoon of pumpkin puree per cup. The pumpkin puree should be natural and finely blended. Simply add it along with the almond milk and maple syrup, heat everything up, and then strain.

To enhance the spice flavor, replace the plain black tea with Indian spiced masala chai tea. You can also increase the steeping time to 10 minutes.

To make a sweeter latte, you can either increase the amount of maple syrup or use vanilla-flavored plant-based milk instead of unsweetened almond milk.

Feel free to experiment to create your dream pumpkin chai latte!