Weight Loss: 5 Natural Appetite Suppressants To Lose Weight

The arrival of spring also marks the season of slimming diets and other detox cures. If you want to regain your ideal weight without risking deficiencies, it is better to avoid overly restrictive diets and rebalance your diet while limiting quantities. We have listed for you 5 natural appetite suppressants that will help you lose weight without starving yourself.

1- Water

Did you know that some signals we interpret as hunger are actually a signal of dehydration? The first of the 5 natural appetite suppressants that you can use to lose weight is simply water...

Drinking a small glass of water 30 minutes before meals is a good way to regulate your appetite and therefore lose weight without restrictive dieting.

If you have trouble drinking plain water, you can flavor your drink with a little lemon juice or prepare a mint or citrus detox water in advance, or even unsweetened iced tea using preferably green tea.

Between meals, if you feel like snacking or have a craving, start by drinking a few sips of water and wait ten minutes to see if the feeling of hunger persists. If so, you can then turn to an appetite suppressant food from the list below without feeling guilty.

2- An apple.

With 52 calories per 100g, apple is another one of the 5 natural appetite suppressants for weight loss. It is a healthy snack that you can eat without worry to curb your hunger throughout the day.

Think about it when you have a small craving in the morning or afternoon. Not only is this fruit low in calories but it is also rich in water and soluble fibers that will expand in the stomach to give you a feeling of fullness.

Choose organic apples if possible and consume them with the skin for a better content of vitamin C and beneficial fibers for intestinal transit.

3- A handful of almonds.

Although almonds are oily nuts that contain fats, they are one of the 5 most effective natural appetite suppressants for weight loss.

You can incorporate them into a balanced diet to regain your ideal weight because these nuts are rich in protein, fiber and good fats.

A handful of almonds (maximum 30 g) not only naturally suppresses hunger but also slows down the absorption of lipids in the body and stimulates sluggish transit.

In addition, almonds provide minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium as well as antioxidants.

4- Skyr

Yogurt originating from Iceland, skyr has made its way onto the shelves of French supermarkets. If you haven't tried it yet, know that it is one of the best natural appetite suppressants.

This trendy yogurt is appreciated by athletes for its high protein content (around 10 g per pot) and low fat content.

Twice as rich in protein as regular yogurt, it satisfies well and can prevent you from snacking on more calorie-dense foods between meals. With 60 calories per 100 g, it's no more caloric than cottage cheese but has a thicker and creamier texture.

Another advantage, this yogurt adapts to all your desires: it can be garnished with fruit in a sweet version, fresh herbs in a savory version, or even integrated into slimming recipes like a light quiche!

5- Green vegetables with every meal.

Finally, if you're looking for foods to regulate your appetite during meals, consider systematically adding green vegetables to your menu.

Thanks to their richness in fiber and low calorie intake, green vegetables deserve to be among the 5 natural appetite suppressants for weight loss. There are necessarily some that you like since you have a choice between different types of salads like lettuce, arugula or lamb's lettuce and other green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and zucchini for example.

Our last tip to help you rebalance your diet and regain a healthy weight is very simple: plan your meals! It is easier to eat a portion of raw or cooked green vegetables with every meal when you have established a menu program for a week (and the shopping list that goes with it).