Pomegranate: 5 Incredible Health Benefits Of This Fruit

Winter is the peak season for pomegranates. This is fortunate because these fruits are a true treasure trove of vitamin C, an essential nutrient for combating winter viruses. But did you know that this fruit, filled with translucent red seeds, has many other health benefits? We invite you to discover 5 incredible health benefits of the pomegranate.

A single fruit covers 40% of the daily vitamin C requirements.

The fruit of the pomegranate, or Punica granatum, is known for its richness in vitamin C, potassium, and copper. Specifically, 100 g of fresh pulp provides 100 mg of vitamin C.

This figure, not being very meaningful for non-experts, does not allow us to know if pomegranates are richer in vitamin C than oranges or kiwis, for example...

In practice, remember that a single fruit covers 40% of the daily vitamin C needs for an adult. This exceptional content is the first of the 5 incredible benefits of the pomegranate and justifies its superfruit status.

Pomegranates contain 2 to 3 times more flavonoids than green tea.

Among the 5 incredible health benefits of pomegranate, its antioxidant action should also be mentioned. It is estimated that the raw fruit contains 2 to 3 times more flavonoids than green tea and red wine.

These antioxidants from the polyphenol family do not just give pomegranate seeds their color. They are also powerful allies for health and beauty because they fight free radicals, those toxic molecules that damage cells and accelerate their aging. That's why pomegranate extracts are included in the composition of some anti-aging creams and other skin cosmetics.

Thanks to its high antioxidant content, this fruit could also help preserve the elasticity of the arteries, lower blood cholesterol levels, reduce atherosclerosis and blood pressure, thus preventing cardiovascular diseases... Since this fruit is very good for the heart, it is beneficial to eat it regularly when in season, which is from September to February in the Northern Hemisphere.

It has a demonstrated preventive effect on several types of cancer.

Due to its antioxidant content, pomegranate has a proven role in cancer prevention. The various polyphenols found in this fruit have demonstrated an ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the breast, colon, lung, skin, and prostate.

This positive effect has even been measured in established cancers. Consuming this fruit can notably slow down the progression of advanced-stage prostate cancer. It has been shown that the progression of this cancer is four times slower in patients who drink a glass (250 ml) of pomegranate juice daily.

Its juice also has beneficial properties.

In nutrition, it is often said that fruit juice is less beneficial than the whole fruit, which provides dietary fiber and is more filling. However, the pomegranate is an exception to this nutritional rule.

Another of the 5 incredible benefits of this fruit is that you can enjoy its virtues all year round, in the form of juice. In pomegranate juice, the seeds and the skin are pressed together so that a 250 ml glass is equivalent to 2 or 3 pomegranates.

But be careful: to benefit from the nutritional virtues of this drink, you must choose a pure juice, without added sugars. And if you find its taste too acidic, you can incorporate it into a dressing instead of lemon juice or vinegar.

Pomegranate is refreshing, diuretic, and purifying.

With 80 calories and 4 grams of fiber per 100 grams, pomegranate is an excellent addition to a balanced diet and even for weight loss plans. Regularly including it in your mixed salads and fruit salads can help you meet the official recommendation of 25 g of fiber per day, and ideally 30 g.

Whether whole or as juice, this fruit is often recommended during detox diets to cleanse the body and aid in weight loss. It is indeed a very hydrating fruit, made up of 79% water, rich in fiber and slightly diuretic.

Note: like other fruits, pomegranates can cause allergic reactions. Moreover, the beneficial effects of this fruit on high blood pressure could be detrimental to individuals suffering from low blood pressure or fluctuations in blood pressure.