Diet, Drinks, Exercise: 5 Tips To Keep A Flat Stomach.

To put an end to bloating and digestive discomfort, sometimes all it takes is a few changes in your diet and lifestyle. We have selected for you 5 tips that really work to keep a flat stomach and effortlessly slip into your favorite jeans!

Avoid foods that cause bloating.

The first of the 5 tips to keep a flat stomach is to limit foods that ferment in the stomach and cause bloating.

This includes:
- cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and turnips
- legumes such as white beans, chickpeas, and lentils
- bad fats found in fried foods and prepared dishes such as breaded fish, pizza, or saucy dishes
- chewing gum that promotes aerophagia and often contains sweeteners in the case of sugar-free gum

It should be noted that certain foods, food additives, and sweeteners contain sugars called Fodmaps known to be difficult to digest.

People with irritable bowel syndrome should avoid these different indigestible foods as much as possible. It is also recommended for them to limit raw vegetables and prefer cooked vegetables that are easier to digest such as carrots, zucchini, and green beans.

2- Taking care of your digestive system

If you often have a bloated stomach, it may also be a sign that you suffer from constipation, more or less chronically. In this case, the second of the 5 tips for keeping a flat stomach is to favor foods that facilitate intestinal transit.

You can notably integrate into your diet:
• prunes that you have soaked in black tea
• prune or rhubarb compote
• semi-whole grains
• chia seeds rich in dietary fiber

To take care of your transit, you must also limit saturated fats that slow down digestion, drink enough water during the day and move every day, by doing at least 30 minutes of brisk walking.

3- Drink water or flat belly herbal teas.

Drinks are also part of the 5 tips to keep a flat stomach. As we mentioned earlier, it is important to stay hydrated throughout the day by prioritizing water, but also tea or herbal teas with beneficial plants for digestion such as fennel, licorice or ginger for example.

To promote good digestion and avoid having a bloated stomach, it is also recommended to drink between meals and limit carbonated drinks, especially sodas rich in sugar or sweeteners.

4- Fighting against stress.

The stomach, which is sometimes referred to as the second brain by doctors, is particularly sensitive to stress and emotions. That's why another of the 5 tips for keeping a flat stomach is to fight against stress through relaxation methods or yoga postures.

In case of bloating, stomach pain or intestinal spasms, you can also relieve pain and deflate your abdomen with massages.

Place your hand flat on your belly button and make circular movements clockwise. This self-massage stimulates intestinal transit and calms spasms.

5- Move and breathe

The last of the 5 tips for keeping a flat stomach is to practice regular physical activity. Abdominal exercises and planking are effective, but not the only options.

All sports, including gentler ones like walking, swimming, or cycling, help reduce bloating. In a more playful style, you can even try hula-hooping with a hoop! This sport is known to strengthen the abs and reshape the waist.

Finally, note that physical activity is beneficial for your stomach as it promotes good breathing. Learning to breathe properly helps tone the abdominal muscles and facilitates digestion and relaxation. To help your diaphragm relax, practice deep and regular abdominal breathing.